
Monday, June 30, 2014

The broken promise-55 Word post

The Broken Promise

She stood there
Smoke bellowed around
She felt disappointed
The world didn't matter
She made a promise to herself
But the stick beckoned
Slowly but steadily,
She moved into it certainly
Tried as much as possible
To stay away 
as far as possible
But the darn stick ,
It always found a way
into the black hole.

#MB2014 and #MBDrabbleWeek #MarathonBloggers


  1. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Oh Sirisha! I love the dark turn you took with this prompt! And that enticing craze of an addiction and the inability to stay away. Beautifully done in 55 words!

  2. You always make me think :)
    beautiful take.


Key down what you feel , good or bad :) I love reading it