
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Cleaning weekend and the Toddler

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

 All brooms out. All cleaning solutions out. Hair oiled and pulled back in a bun and I was ready for the mother of all cleaning.

Diwali is going to be here!

I am no spic n span types. I have a two year old. I feel she is loosing out on something if she doesnt mess. I let her pull out and spatter all her crayons. I let her take out all the blocks in the living room sometimes. She'll also put each one of her flash cards in places her mommy cant help but be surprised about. She is a child and I am letting her be a child.

Ok OK I know I have to teach her discipline and cleanliness too. She does have to cleanup before she goes to bed. Thats a fun game we play 1 hour to bedtime. We even have a song.
                  "Cleanup! Cleanup! Lets do the Cleanup fast!
                   Speedup !Speedup! Or the bedbug will sleep first"

Its a song which is always WIP. We keep changing the rhythm and tunes and sometimes add more words too.

But this weekend we are having fun cleaning up too. The toddler has got her on broom and cleaning rags to clean whatever she wants. That messes up more than it cleans but its fun!

A broom given to a toddler is always disaster waiting to happen. I just turned my back for a second and she decided to clean up under the potted plants. It sure gets dirty under them,na. One powerful swig and then a loud noise. I turned back and looked at her so angry and looked at all the mud in the balcony which I just mopped. I wanted to scream at her.I wanted to cry. I just looked at her.

She looked at me and then the pot. And suddenly Her laughter broke the silence. She squealed and started jumping saying 'Vevi Dhadaam Mukka, Vevi strong'!

Vevi is surely strong and the mukka aka plant surely bore the brunt. I swallowed my anger and just told her not to do it again as the plants will be hurt and get 'Ouch!'. She then proceeded to try and put cream to the fallen plant as it got 'Ouch'. The plant got a good dose of Cetaphil before mommy intervened. She helped me re-plant and clean up the mess a little before strutting away to find some more mischief to do.

Sigh! I am glad I don't take my cleaning too seriously and I am proud of the patience levels that I thought I didn't have previously. We make a lot of mess but we also make a lot of memories :)

Therefore We are trying to invite Goddess Lakshmi to a fun and clean home which gets sometimes messy :D She has surely been a mother of toddlers too. She should know how it is!

Happy Diwali to all of you and Happy Cleaning too..Have loads of fun while cleaning!

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. with a toddler is indeed a task more difficult than cracking IAS exams!!!

    Ha ha ..applying cetaphil to plants...surely your pocket bore the brunt and got 'Ouch' :-)

  2. You sure have a lot of patience. With two naughty toddlers at our home, cleaning times are always battle zones but I have devised ways to get them involved and helpful.


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