The toddler has a dedicated room for play. I don't call it nursery room as she doesn't sleep there. A cupboard with toys and a mattress on the floor for her to sit and play The room is painted in pink.I stuck to conventional here.
We have a mattress on the floor for the toddler to sit and laze around.The mattress is covered by a pink Dora bed-sheet to match the room.
The toy cupboard is ,by no means, organized but I try. Everyday. Heres how it looks once arranged every night:
Here's the toddler playing seriously:
There's a bookshelf in a corner with all the favorite books of the voracious reader:
The books usually dont stay there in the shelf as long as the toddler is up. That is only during nighttime. And her favorite books are:
Can you see the random stickers across this wall and cupboard:
That is the toddler's favorite timepass. To take out stickers from her sticker books and sticking them. I allow her to stick them randomly but only on her cupboard and this wall. She sticks some. She removes some. Its her wish. Even though a restricted domain, it gives her enough to play around.
That's the toddler room for now. Its always a work in progress. I want to add a study table kind for her to scribble and draw and also a chalkboard. Eventually I am also expecting the girl to move in here to sleep.
My princess bed is waiting in my parents home for that day to come :)
Nice room Sia. I love that you have a floor mattress for your toddler to laze around on. I have always wanted one of those. We also have our daughter's room as Playroom and it also looks arranged only at night or till the time she is at school. We are planning to shift her to her room but I don't think it is going to be easy. Share your tips okay. :)